Sunday, 2 December 2007
Food of Taiwan
Food of Taipei
Food of Taichung
Food of Tainan
Food of kaohsiung
Monday, 25 June 2007
Bosa, The Egyptian Restaurant

The food is very nice, they have from salad to main dish. The main dish includes salad, soup, desserts, and drinks. The Egyptian ice tea is very nice.
Here is the menu:
The Business Lunch is good but it is only available from Monday thru Friday. From 1:30AM~2:00PM, the meal includs Soup, Salad, Egyptian Kar-kaday Tea, Dessert And Drinks.
The most important thing about Business Lunch is that you can enjoy 20% disccount.
Egyptian Foods:
埃及香料羊里肌佐埃及飯 NT.350 Pan-fried lamb tenderloin with tomato sauce
陶燒牛肉塔吉佐埃及飯 NT.300 Stewed beef with vegetables on Egyptian rice
燒烤牛肉卡巴佐埃及飯 NT.300 Grilled beef kebabs with vegetables and Egyptian rice
陶燒雞肉塔吉佐埃及飯 NT.280 Stewed chicken with vegetables on Egyptian rice
燒烤雞肉卡巴佐埃及飯 NT.280 Grilled chicken kebabs with vegetables and Egyptian rice
埃及香料雞腿佐埃及飯 NT.250 Roasted chicken leg Egyptian style on rice
European Foods:
鐵扒沙朗牛佐主廚醬汁 NT.450 Grilled A.U.S rib eye steak
香草鮭魚佐藍紋乳酪領結麵 NT.320
Pan-fried salmon fish with herbs and cream sauce on pasta of butterfly
義式茄汁鱈魚佐南瓜飯 NT.300 Pan-fried cod fish with tomato sauce on pumpkin risotto
義式海鮮千層麵 NT.300 Baked lasagne with seafood
義式野菇鑲雞脯 NT.280
}Roasted chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms in tarragon cream sauce
義式香辣鮮蝦佐紅花飯 NT.250 Stewed shrimps with spicy tomato sauce on saffron risotto
義式鑲墨魚佐墨魚麵 NT.250 Roasted stuffed squid with tomato sauce on squid ink past
The good thing is over the weekends, we can enjoy the belly dance at that restaurant. The dish might be expensive but you can enjoy 20 minute show.
The owner of the resturant is an authentic Egyptian cook married to a Taiwanese woman. Both of them are very kind and polite, they made us to feel comfortable at their restaurants.
This is my favorite dish, Grilled chicken kebabs with vegetables and Egyptian rice.

Overall, the food was fantastic, everything was so great. I will bring my family over there, next time.
Make sure you make your own reservations before you go over there. Also, the restaurat offers a nice Egyptian breakfast, too for $160 NT dollars.
Reserations: 06-2740366
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Kiss Ice

招財進寶 150元美式軟焦糖配上脆感十足的巧克力豆與香脆具嚼勁的腰果,甜甜綿綿的口感入口即化,完全為香草基底加分。除了可以同時體驗不同口感的冰淇淋,也能品嘗到巧克力與焦糖的美味。
藍莓優格甜筒 80元新鮮現做的藍莓優格口味冰淇淋,藍莓香氣十足,並降低甜度,以符合台灣人的口味﹔軟香的冰淇淋配上酥脆的甜筒餅皮,更增添冰品的層次感。
Strawberry House

葡萄雪屋 3球60元這裡的雪屋有大、小兩種,大的4球、小的3球。圖為3球的葡萄雪屋,不論大雪屋還是小雪屋,裡頭除了「現炒」的鮮果冰淇淋外,還添加了香果圈、格格脆、巧克力餅、巧克力醬和脆笛酥,不但製造出繽紛的色彩,還讓整體口感更佳。
火龍果雪屋 4球80元這裡的冰淇淋都是以屋頂造型的餅殼盛裝,所以稱為「雪屋」。新奇的鮮果炒冰使用新鮮水果和植物性原料製成的冰淇淋粉,製冰過程未經過濾,碰到有籽的水果,還會吃得到籽的碎粒。圖中的冰淇淋為火龍果口味,清淡香甜、口感綿密,非常特別。
奇異果甜筒 2球50元為了方便逛賣場的消費者,近期將推出甜筒造型的「鮮果炒冰」,價位暫定2球50元。奇異果口味為清淡的果酸味,很有夏天的味道。
Ice Cream
Strawberry House
Kiss Ice
Banana Ice Cream
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Banana Ice Cream

水果聖代 150元酥脆的花形餅皮大手筆地盛裝了2大球水果口味冰淇淋,再加上奇異果、蘋果、香蕉、水蜜桃等滿滿一盅新鮮水果,2個人一起品嘗,備覺幸福甜蜜。
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Banana Ice Cream

水果聖代 150元酥脆的花形餅皮大手筆地盛裝了2大球水果口味冰淇淋,再加上奇異果、蘋果、香蕉、水蜜桃等滿滿一盅新鮮水果,2個人一起品嘗,備覺幸福甜蜜。
Thursday, 22 March 2007

營業時間:平日 11:30-14:00;17:00-21:00,假日 11:00-14:00;17:00-21:00
價位:598 元起
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Japanese Food (喜多)

Lunch 11:00 A.M. to 14:00 P.M.
Diner 17:00P.M. to 22:00 P.M.
Lunch$ 258元
Diner $ 358元
Children 140 m. $188 NT Dollars
100 m. $50 NT Dollars
All the prices is not included 10% of service fee. You can use the meal only for two hours.
Monday, 12 February 2007
Food Of Taipei

Food in Taipei

Food Of Taichun

As Taiwan's third-largest metropolis and the commercial hub for Central Taiwan's five million residents, Taichung City boasts one of the island's most dynamic, fastest-growing service sectors. The service industry has continued to receive a significant boost from Taichung's ideal business environment, which includes affluent, well-educated residents with one of the highest disposal incomes in Taiwan, low-priced real estate and rental rates, an abundance of unused property, and a good transportation network that brings millions of non-residents to Taichung from the surrounding areas and as far away as Hsinchu and Taipei on a regular basis.

Taichung City's dining and nightlife outlets have long been extremely popular destinations for residents from around Central Taiwan, as well as Hsinchu, Taipei and other areas. The last decade has seen the emergence of a cosmopolitan, international variety of establishments operated by local and foreign proprietors, as well as international chains. This broad selection, combined with a reputation for reasonable prices and excellence in dining, nightlife and atmosphere, has earned Taichung a solid reputation as a hotspot, particularly among northern Taiwan residents, who enjoy weekends in Taichung.
Taichung's dining scene today includes restaurants serving French, Italian, Indian, Turkish, Middle Eastern, Thai, American, Japanese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese and other cuisine from around the world. In addition to locally owned restaurants, reputable international dining chains, such as T.G.I. Friday's, Ponderosa, Chili's, and Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, have made Taichung their home. Many major international fast-food chains such as McDonald's, KFC and Subway, also operate dozens of outlets across the city.
In particular, Taichung City is renowned for its enormous, stylish teahouses, reputedly the world's original source of the now globally-popular "bubble tea". Large and small, traditional and modern teahouses dot the city, as do an enormous number of cafes--mostly local-owned but also including foreign chains like Starbucks.
Taichung's vibrant nightlife scene also has tremendous variety, thanks to the constant opening of new establishments by local and foreign owners. Businesses range from small neighborhood pubs to swanky lounge bars, jazz clubs and large discos.
Food of Taichung
Food Of Tainan
Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan and was the capital during imperial times. It is famous for its temples , historic buildings and snack food. The city is currently the fourth largest city on the island with a population over 760,000.
Like other Taiwanese cities, most people in Tainan, including taxi drivers, cannot speak English well (except for high school and college students), though some of the older gereration can converse in Japanese. However, to help visitors get around, there are free tri-lingual (Chinese, English and Japanese).

Tainan is often known as "the City of Snacks" (小吃城). In addition to the wide variety of food available at night markets, the city also has an abundance of street vendors specializing in tasty and cheap dishes.
Tainan specialities are:
Coffin toast (棺材板 guan cai ban) - fried bread stuffed with various ingredients, such as chicken, beans, seafood, vegetables and milk-based sauces. Oyster omelette (蚵仔煎 o-a chen), Oysters and thin noodles (蚵仔麵線 o-a mi soa~), Rice cake (碗稞 wan-ke), Dan Dan Noodle(擔仔麵 dan zai mian), Elite Cake (狀元糕 Zhong yuan gao), Don't forget to try the shrimp rolls (zhou-shi) down along the canal! Incredible!

Pearl milk tea (珍珠奶茶, Zhen-Zhu Nai-Cha) is a must drink in Tainan. Look out for shops, where it is made directly to order! Dirty Rogers is an excellent small bar. Used to be very hip, still very good! Every Music imaginable. It's close to the Railway station at Dongmen Rd.
Food of Tainan
Food Of kaohsiung

Sunday, 7 January 2007
Blue Coral Island (藍色珊瑚島)

The food is a mostly-Chinese mix that includes a little Japanese, Thai and Western. Seafood lovers will enjoy the selection of live fish, crabs and shellfish; each choice can be divided up and prepared in one to three ways, such as sashimi, baked, fried or as a soup. There is also plenty of non-seafood, such as chicken, pork, mutton and beef dishes (NT$200-280).
Other dishes include some spicy, Thai-style curry dishes , Japanese-style baked cheese dishes, and four kinds of NT$300 set meals (beef stew, pork ribs, eel or bream) which come with appetizer, vegetables, fruit and drink, and are available for lunch/dinner on weekdays. Plenty of hot/iced coffees (NT$160/180), juices, beers (NT$80-120) and other drinks are served, too.
Larger parties sit on the first floor, or can opt for one of the VIP rooms on the third floor, ranging from a cute little four-person room to combined 30-40 person rooms. The outdoor roof will be open in warmer weather and can be rented for special functions.
43, Wuchuan 5th Street(04) 2371-6568Hours:11 am-1 am
【藍色珊瑚島】以地中海美食來洗滌煙塵,並釋放壓力的浪漫天堂,讓餐桌回應著藍天綠地的呼喚。慵懶的音樂、醇醇的酒香、讓您沈浸在自然性感、輕鬆愜意的氛圍中,遨遊穿梭想像的綺麗國度。根據考古,地中海人的高壽與快樂的生活哲學,是因為環境加上堅果與豆類的使用,希臘式蔬菜沙拉、白花椰菜佐鮪魚、洋蔥酸豆….餐桌上的地中海,從這裡甦醒、驚蟄。位於美術園道的「藍色珊瑚島」餐廳,是唯一結合南歐健康飲食特色,與碧海藍天氛圍的「休閒島嶼型」餐廳,慵懶的休閒氣氛,獨具一格的藝術光影綴飾裝潢了這個無拘束的自在場域。藍色珊瑚島以其獨具一格的藝術光影綴飾裝潢了這個無拘束的自在場域,希臘愛琴海式建築呈現南歐歡愉豐盛的美食料理,從餐桌上的擺飾,到食材上的選擇,一再回應地中海在夢中的呼喚!2F提供歐式法文沙發音樂的Lounge Bar,讓您的聽覺、視覺與味覺同樣貼切!融合了愛琴海及拜占庭文化的建築風格,令人宛如置身於十八世紀的歐洲沙龍。人文活動與南歐特有的地中海風情,全表露在剔透的藍色馬賽克的情挑裡!