The food is a mostly-Chinese mix that includes a little Japanese, Thai and Western. Seafood lovers will enjoy the selection of live fish, crabs and shellfish; each choice can be divided up and prepared in one to three ways, such as sashimi, baked, fried or as a soup. There is also plenty of non-seafood, such as chicken, pork, mutton and beef dishes (NT$200-280).
Other dishes include some spicy, Thai-style curry dishes , Japanese-style baked cheese dishes, and four kinds of NT$300 set meals (beef stew, pork ribs, eel or bream) which come with appetizer, vegetables, fruit and drink, and are available for lunch/dinner on weekdays. Plenty of hot/iced coffees (NT$160/180), juices, beers (NT$80-120) and other drinks are served, too.
Larger parties sit on the first floor, or can opt for one of the VIP rooms on the third floor, ranging from a cute little four-person room to combined 30-40 person rooms. The outdoor roof will be open in warmer weather and can be rented for special functions.
43, Wuchuan 5th Street(04) 2371-6568Hours:11 am-1 am
【藍色珊瑚島】以地中海美食來洗滌煙塵,並釋放壓力的浪漫天堂,讓餐桌回應著藍天綠地的呼喚。慵懶的音樂、醇醇的酒香、讓您沈浸在自然性感、輕鬆愜意的氛圍中,遨遊穿梭想像的綺麗國度。根據考古,地中海人的高壽與快樂的生活哲學,是因為環境加上堅果與豆類的使用,希臘式蔬菜沙拉、白花椰菜佐鮪魚、洋蔥酸豆….餐桌上的地中海,從這裡甦醒、驚蟄。位於美術園道的「藍色珊瑚島」餐廳,是唯一結合南歐健康飲食特色,與碧海藍天氛圍的「休閒島嶼型」餐廳,慵懶的休閒氣氛,獨具一格的藝術光影綴飾裝潢了這個無拘束的自在場域。藍色珊瑚島以其獨具一格的藝術光影綴飾裝潢了這個無拘束的自在場域,希臘愛琴海式建築呈現南歐歡愉豐盛的美食料理,從餐桌上的擺飾,到食材上的選擇,一再回應地中海在夢中的呼喚!2F提供歐式法文沙發音樂的Lounge Bar,讓您的聽覺、視覺與味覺同樣貼切!融合了愛琴海及拜占庭文化的建築風格,令人宛如置身於十八世紀的歐洲沙龍。人文活動與南歐特有的地中海風情,全表露在剔透的藍色馬賽克的情挑裡!