This noodle stand is located in Changrong Rd. sec. 4 number 73. It is in the North Dist. of Tainan City. The name of the noodle stand is called Shi- Fu Noodle Stand (添福麵館). It is just located infront of the Taiwanese baseball player Chien Ming Wang.

This is the street where the noodle stand is located.
The owner of the shop are husband and wife. They both work very hard to pleased their customers.

The wife is cooking and be ready for the business. Their employees can not get the money, so the customers have to pay to the owner of the store.

I ordered wonton soup. Their wonton soup is very good. Other places will just give me 5 wontons, ut this place, it will come up like 10 wontons in one bowl. The price is not too expensive. It will cost $20 NT dollars for this bowl of soup.

Alan doesn't eat garlic, so he ordered penut noodle with meat. We ordered small bowl, and it will come up very big. It will cost $25 NT dollars for one bowl of noodles like this.

The owner of the shop, the husband makes noodles. The noodles that they serve to the customers are hand made. The taste of the noodles are so much different from other places. It doesn't get too hard or too soft after cooking.

He is very busy making the noodles.
We really enjoyed eating there once in a while. Also their little snake or finger food are not very expensive. One egg will cost $5 NT dollars, Tofu will cost 2 for $5 NT dollars and more. If you eat too much, you can order a big bowl of noodles for extra $5 NT dollars. You can try this place.
Name of the store: 添福麵館
Address: 長榮路四段73號
TEL: 06-200-4706