Friday 2 January 2009


This is 天寶小吃 food stand. This food stand is famous for oysters. There's all kinds of oysters. There's soup oyster, noodles oyster, and fried oysters. This little shop runs already for two generations.

When my parents-in-law were young, this shop was already there. Now, the owner of he shop is etting older so their son is taking care of this shop now. Here is the menu of the shop. It has everything from small size to bigger size. All kind of prices.
This is the oyster soup, it is so delicious. Alan and I really enjoy eating this. if you go for lunch time, you won't have seat. You have to wait for long. No reservations, no credit cards, cash only.

Address: 51442彰化縣溪湖鎮平和里平和街230號
Tele: (04) 8852545