Tuesday, 6 January 2009


This little food shop is well known for its crystal dumplins. The owner of this hop is my father-in-law's classmate. When my father-in-law, Kevin was very young, The shop's grandfather already gave the bussiness to Kevin's classmate's father. Now his father is having some health problems, so the shop gave to Kevin's classmate.

The crystal sumplins is very nice to eat. The outer skin is very transparent, it could see the meat inside.

The soup is so nice also, the price is ok. A bowl of it costs $40 NT dollars. you can buy some of the crystal dumplins and take it home and cook. You cna buy from $50 above.


Address:民族路第一市場內 (Inside of the market)
Main Dish: Crystal Dumplins (水晶餃)